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Friday, July 19, 2013


Sau đây câu hỏi và trả lời trên mang :

Are tracking cookies harmful?

I never used to get tracking cookies, but today I scanned my computer (I use Verizon Internet Security Suite and Malwarebytes is installed on my pc as well; I only used it once to get rid of a trojan) and it came up with 5, I immediately scanned it again and it came up with 15 (each time it says it deletes them), then in the scans following, 1, 2, 3, 3, etc. I have been scanning it ever since! I don't watch porn or anything so it can't be from that, but I have been on a few websites recently that I've never gone on before. McAfee said they were green, but I'm not sure... I just want to know if they're going to harm my computer. I did go to tools, internet options, etc. and checked "block third party cookies", so will this stop them from getting on there in the first place?

Best Answer - Chosen by Voters

Cookies are just small .txt (text) files that cannot hurt your computer. They are not a virus or malware but a few people consider "tracking" cookies to be an invasion of privacy.
It all depends on one's personal level of paranoria.
Tracking cookies are "3rd party cookies" from advertising servers. They can track your movements around the web in order to deliver to you customised, targeted advertising.
But they will not harm your computer.

1: Can be
2: No
What you are seeing as cookies are called LSOs.
I use BeefTaco or something like that, it works and is not a huge program.

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