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Saturday, July 7, 2012


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Blogspot Blogger Edit Pencil Missing
Problem: Blogger Blogspot Edit-Pencil Missing. Last updated 2011.07.24. Solution likely found.

When using Blogspot's editor, I noticed the Pencil icon was missing and I could no longer enter edit-mode from the View Blog screens. Also, the tool-box icon is missing from the widget edit screens.


I have found a solution to the problem but am unconvinced this is the best solution. One thing is for sure, this is more-than-likely a browser-related problem -- especially if the feature worked in the past but doesn't any longer. Use the following diagnostics to help identify the problem.

Update 2011.08.16: I returned these suggested changes back to default and discovered the Pencil-icon had returned. Also, during this intervening time, Firefox was upgraded from version 4 to 5, then to 6. Perhaps, also, Google changed how the Pencil icon was displayed. In any case, here is what I had done.

Confirm the Feature is Enabled:

Confirm the edit feature is enabled on your blog with these steps:

A. Sign-in to the Blog, go to DashBoard, click "Settings"

B. In the [Basic] tab, confirm "Show Quick Editing" = Yes

C. In the [Design] tab, (page-elements), look in the "Blog Posts" widget, likely on the left. Click "Edit"

D. In the popup window, confirm [x] "Show Quick Editing" is checked.


Prove if your Blogger Template supports the edit-icon; this also may prove if this is a browser-related issue.

Comments: For most Blogspot users, I doubt the template is the real problem and Template editing is not necessary.

If you are using a Blogger-supplied template, the edit feature will be there. In my case, I spent a fruitless hour backing up and editing the template, trying to figure this out, when I finally decided to test in IE -- proving the template was good and the problem was related to Firefox version 4 or 5. Later, I found the feature worked in Firefox 5 on a different machine, indicating this is really a problem with this particular installation.

If the pencil-edit icon *used to work*, but doesn't any longer, it is likely because of a browser or browser update. Do the following to test:

a. Sign-in to your Blogger account with Internet Explorer (7 or 8 -- there have been reported issues with version 9 - not substantiated).

b. Create a new test Blog Entry -- which forces Blogspot into Edit mode.

(Important: Blogger does not always show the edit-pencil until after something is edited one-time. For each test, edit something one time (using the manual steps described above).

Save the post.

c. Click "View Blog". Look for the edit-pencil.

d. Decision:

If the edit-pencil shows up in IE, but not in other browsers, especially FireFox, this proves the problem is with the browser and not the template. I have not tested Chrome or other browsers.

If the edit-pencil does not show up in any browser, see this Linked: article and text below, which suggests that some Blogger templates may not have this feature installed. This is a technical article. Be sure to backup your templates before making changes. It may be easier to just try a different template to see if the problem persists.

Possible FireFox Solution #1:

This solution has fixed the problem on my machine and it requires changing an internal FireFox setting. Change this setting: "network.cookie.thirdparty.sessionOnly" Change from the default false to true.

a. On the FF URL line, type this address: "about:config" (no quotes)
b. Click "I promise to behave" when prompted about the damage you can cause
c. In the top-center search box, type:

"network.cookie.thirdparty.sessionOnly" (no quotes. Similar screen illustration, below)

d. Change the value from false to true.
e. Close Firefox and reload the browser/blogger to see the results. Remember, you must edit something at least one time before you will see the results.

Possible FireFox Solution 2:

Note: This solution is not necessarily recommended.
In a previous test, I used Firefoxe's Config screens to block Sending Referer Headers. This seemingly unrelated setting has something to do with the edit-pencil because it temporarily fixed the problem, but later it again failed. Because of this, I have since returned this setting back to the default value of "2" and no longer recommend this solution, but this is widely discussed on the web and it must have worked for some people.

a. On the FF URL line, type this address: "about:config" (no quotes)
b. Click "I promise to behave" when prompted about the damage you can cause
c. In the top-center search box, type: "network.http.sendRefererHeader" (no quotes)
d. Change the value from (2) to zero.
e. Close Firefox and reload the browser/blogger to see the results.

The Referer is often set to =2 as a minor security measure; it stops sites from tracking where you came from. It is safe to change this value.

If you do not find the key, this solution will not help you. Older versions of FF did not have a default value for SendRefererHeader, but the newer versions do. (The new default sets the value = 2).

This option is not available in IE and IE will not have this problem.

Other Possible Solution (untested by keyliner):

Others have reported this:
"My icons recently went missing, even though the Quick Edit setting was turned on. I went into the settings, turned it off, pressed Save Settings, turned it back on and pressed Save Settings again and they re-appeared."

Another blog reported this:
Go to the Privacy tab in your Internet Options. Click the Sites button.
Type "" in the Address of website field and then press the Allow button.
Press OK twice to save the settings.

Reload your blog

In Closing:

On two machines, both running Firefox 5 and both with ostensibly the same settings, the edit-icon worked on one but not the other. Changing network.cookie.thirdparty.sessionOnly to false inexplicably resolved the problem on the broken machine.

Searching for other solutions to this problem, you will find discussions on Java-code problems. I suspect for most of us, this is not the solution. This can be simply tested by launching the editor in IE -- proving the Java-code is probably correct.

The suggestions on Java code center around this statement:

b:include data="post" name="postQuickEdit"

Moving this code to other locations, as suggested in the Link's reader comments, did not help. Plus, mere mortals should not have to work this hard for something that used to work, but now does not. All of this suggests the template is likely correct and the problem lies elsewhere.

Other Things Tested:

Changing to a new BlogSpot template did not help.

Additionally, using a suggested Blogger's DESIGN, Edit HTML, "Revert Widget Templates to Default" did not help.

Flushing Firefox's Cache does not help.

Switching to BlogSpot's new Editor or Old Editor made no difference.

And, even with all of this testing, each of these solutions does not make sense because the editor works in IE.

In the end, at least on my machine, changing the 3rd party cookie setting on one machine (but not another) fixed the problem. This is not a sensible solution.

Your unregistered comments are welcome.

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